Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion (SARME): The Patient Journey, Mechanics and Future Promises


Expansion within the field of orthodontics is currently a hot topic, and correcting transverse discrepancies is extremely challenging. There are many methods to address this aspect of a malocclusion, but it is commonly treated non-surgically. Although infrequently planned, SARME is an effective way to manage a narrow maxillary arch. A combination of limited research and a lack of clinical exposure makes SARME a poorly understood area within the speciality.

This lecture aims to discuss the typical orthodontic and surgical workflow, orthodontic mechanics and provide the most up to date information in conjunction with an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon to demystify SARME myths.

Furthermore, Nikhil will explore the various concepts of treating SARME cases utilising labial, aligners and lingual orthodontics and provide a general overview of Mini-Screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE).


  • To provide an update on current SARME literature
  • To provide the orthodontist a suitable work flow in managing a patient requiring SARME
  • To discuss a variety of methods to predictably treat patients with SARME using labial, aligners and lingual orthodontics

Learning objectives

  • Have a sound understanding of a SARME protocol
  • Be aware of the stability of such a surgical treatment whilst dissecting the most up-to-date evidence
  • Be aware of future treatment modalities that have become popular in recent time such as MARPE

This event is exclusively for BLOS members, and registration details will be emailed to you in October.