Is it safe to straighten teeth at home?
Teeth straightening has historically been the domain of orthodontists and dentists. Recently though, we’ve seen a...
What is short-term orthodontics?
Braces can achieve dramatic and sometimes life-changing transformations. They’re not, however, a ‘quick fix’. Conventional orthodontic...
Are lingual braces available through the NHS?
NHS funding for orthodontic treatment can be somewhat confusing. Currently, it’s generally available to under 18s...
Can we speed up orthodontic treatment?
Braces are a fantastic way to straighten crooked teeth, but sadly they have never been (and...
What is an orthodontic therapist?
Orthodontic therapists are a relatively new addition to the orthodontic team. Their role is to work...
Bespoke braces
There is now a huge choice of different braces for patients to choose from, including removable...
Will lingual braces affect your speech?
Anyone who has ever worn a retainer or gumshield will be all too aware of the...
How do lingual braces move teeth?
If you’ve explored our website you’re probably au fait with the benefits of lingual braces: they...